Je-Ngor Kitchen

At first I didn't want to post this one because the pictures aren't very sharp (I forgot my camera that day because we were too hungry), but then I just looked through the my food picture collection and really missed this one.

And then there was a hero fixing the photos for me so now they're quite acceptable.. and here they are..

Mee Pad Pak Krachade, Noodle with water mimosa: this dish surprised me the first time I had it with its spicy and nice aroma of prawns. It's the dish that our family orders every time.. at least every time I'm around

Poo Pad Prik Thai Dam: mud crab on the bed of crunchy garlic and black pepper. The taste of spices indeed go well with crab meat.

Pad Pak Boong, stir-fried morning glory -- what makes it special here is the way the cut the morning glory by the length so the veggies are really thin.

Restaurant: Je-Ngor Kitchen
Location: Si-Phraya, Bangkok -- There are 7 outlets actually, visit their site here for locations and even menu :) Si-Phraya is the original one
Price: Depends on what you order.. veggies and noodles are from 100 Baht a dish but then the crab costed me a lot that evening